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Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. Stockholders Litigation

This official website is maintained by the Settlement Administrator under the supervision of Plaintiffs’ Lead Counsel for the members of the Class in the Action entitled In re: Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. Stockholders Litigation, Case No. 2022-1114-JTL pending in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware.

Order and Final Judgement

On October 10, 2024, the Court entered an Order and Final Judgment approving the Settlement. A copy of the Order and Judgment can be viewed on the Court Documents page. The Settlement Administrator is currently working with Plaintiffs’ Counsel and Defendants’ Counsel to identify Excluded Stockholders so that distribution can be made in accordance with the Court-approved Plan of Allocation. Once this process is complete, Plaintiffs’ Counsel will submit a motion with the Court for a Class Distribution Order. Please be aware that this process may take several months. For further updates, please continue to check this website.

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